/Home/Appeals Attorneys: Tampa Bay FL
Mark R Wolfe
Appellate Practice Certified Attorney - Florida Bar
Mark R Wolfe
800 E Twiggs St #422
Tampa FL 33602-3549
Tel: 813 276-2099
Fax: 813 301-3899
E-mail: WOLFEMR@fljud13.org READ MORE
George A Vaka
Trial and Appellate Attorneys located in Tampa, Florida
* Serious Personal Injury
* Wrongful Death
* Traumatic Brain Injuries
* Trucking Accidents
* Motor Vehicle Accidents
* Medical Malpractice READ MORE
Henry G Gyden
Appellate Practice Certified Attorney - Florida Bar
Henry G Gyden
Swope Rodante PA
1234 E 5th Ave
Tampa FL 33605-4904
Tel: 813 273-0017
Fax: 813 223-3678
E-mail: Henryg@swopelaw.com READ MORE
Susan W Fox
Florida Statewide Appellate Law Practice
Appellate Practice Certified Attorney - Florida Bar
Susan W Fox
Fox & Loquasto PA
112 N Delaware Ave
Tampa FL 33606-1430
Tel: 813 251-6400
Fax: 813 READ MORE
Amy S Farrior
* Personal Injury
* Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith
* Business and Landowners' Condemnation/Eminent Domain
* Commercial Litigation
* Appellate Practice
The firm's two Boar READ MORE
Duane A Daiker
Appellate Practice
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP recognizes that effective representation of our clients in appellate matters requires experienced appellate specialists. Our Appellate Practice Gr READ MORE
Tracy S Carlin
Our lawyers are all highly qualified appellate specialists. Combined they have served as lead counsel in hundreds of appeals in virtually all Florida and federal appellate courts.
Brannock & Humph READ MORE
David M Caldevilla
While our lawyers practice in over 20 areas of law, we focus primarily on Business Transactions, Environment, Government, Health Law, and Litigation. Our law firm has been involved in shaping much of READ MORE
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