Joseph F Kinman Jr
Civil Trial Lawyers
* Appeals - State and Federal
* Commercial Litigation
* Health Care
* Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith
* Insurance Defense
* Life, Health and Disability insurance
* Medical Malpractice
* Mediation/Arbitration
* Motor Vehicle Liability
* Pharmaceutical/Medical Device litigation
* Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
* Premises Liability
* Products Liability
* Professional Liability
* Toxic Torts
* Transportation and Trucking Liability
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Although Ogden & Sullivan is a trial firm, we are attuned to the merits of alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation. Given the high cost of litigation today, early resolution of the case through one of these alternatives may better suit our clients' needs than a full blown trial. By understanding the processes by which these other forms of dispute resolution operate, we can tailor the most effective representation of our clients for the particular problem at hand, whether the forum be a trial, arbitration or mediation.
Every member of Ogden & Sullivan has a background which includes experience in arbitration and mediation, as well as trial practice. Our trial attorneys have mediated hundreds of cases to a successful conclusion thereby saving our clients significant time and resources, as well as the uncertainties associated with a jury verdict. In addition, our attorneys understand the subtle differences in presenting a case before an arbitration panel versus a jury venire. Depending on the complexity of the issues involved, a panel of experts may be more suited to resolve the case favorably to our client's position than a jury. In other cases, the theory of our client's case may be better received by the collective common sense of a lay jury than a technical panel. The experience in knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each system allows our firm to suggest a forum which will best suit the client's particular needs and maximize the potential for a successful outcome.
Four of our attorneys have received formal certification by the Florida Supreme Court as circuit court mediators, and are qualified to mediate all types of civil cases from commercial and construction disputes to medical malpractice and product liability claims.
Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer - National Board of Legal Specialty Certification
Joseph F Kinman Jr
Ogden & Sullivan PA
113 S Armenia Ave
Tampa FL 33609
Tel: 813 223-5111
Fax: 813 229-2336
Areas of Practice
* Medical Malpractice
* Products Liability
* Premises Liability
* Insurance Defense
* Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
Centrally located in Tampa, the Firm handles matters for clients in state and federal courts throughout Florida.
Because state trial court jurisdictions in Florida are organized by counties, state court complaints generally designate the County in which the suit is pending, rather than the city. For that reason we have provided links to maps of the Florida counties to assist you in determining where your matter may be pending. We have also provided a color coded map to assist you in determing in which district your federal matter is or will be pending.
