Joseph H Lang Jr
Appellate and Trial Support Practice

Carlton Fields has Florida's largest group of lawyers devoted exclusively to an appellate and trial support practice. Of the group's 35-members, 20 attorneys are involved in appellate and trial support work on a day-to-day basis. This group includes Florida's largest number of Board Certified appellate lawyers.

The depth and breadth of experience results in an efficient and sophisticated appellate practice, allowing the firm's appellate advocates to focus on the procedural rules, unwritten customs, strategies for success, and avoiding traps that exist in practice before the appellate courts.

Our appellate practice, however, is not limited to the traditional work in appellate courts. Our attorneys team with trial counsel (whether from Carlton Fields or another firm), to provide litigation support by drafting and arguing dispositive motions, motions in limine, directed verdict motions, proposed jury instructions and verdict forms, and post-trial motions. In addition, our appellate lawyers attend trials to assist in preserving the record for appeal.

Knowledge & Experience

Carlton Fields has a long and rich history of representing clients in all of Florida’s appellate courts, in addition to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and United States Supreme Court. The members of our practice group have participated in more than 1,500 appeals, including more than 50 in the Florida Supreme Court since 2000.

Our attorneys are widely recognized for their knowledge of appellate law and related issues. Attorneys frequently lecture and publish articles and newsletters about appellate law, and participate in numerous professional organizations.

Related Services

Carlton Fields also offers a complete range of appellate related services. Some examples include:
* Specialized Consulting Services: We are proud to offer the specialized consulting services of at least three senior attorneys whose prior experiences gives them a unique, insightful perspective into Florida appellate practice: John R. Blue, former chief judge of the Second District Court of Appeal and circuit court judge; Tom Warner, former Florida Solicitor General; and Sylvia H. Walbolt, appellate practitioner with over 45 years of appellate experience, as well as multiple leadership roles in organizations such as the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers (former President) and the Florida Supreme Court’s Committee on Standard Jury Instructions in Civil Cases (former Chair).
* Amicus Briefs: We frequently submit amicus curiae briefs on important industry issues.
* Pro Bono Representation: Our lawyers are also committed to providing pro bono appellate services to those less fortunate in our society and to organizations that serve the disadvantaged.
* Client Seminars: We regularly present free seminars for clients and their trial counsel regarding trends and substantive changes in the law, as well as procedural issues such as preservation of the record.
* Week-At-A-Glance: To help clients and our own attorneys stay current on developments in Florida case law, we offer Week-At-A-Glance, a weekly, one page summary of every precedential decision released by Florida’s five intermediate appellate courts and the Florida Supreme Court. This online reference is an excellent way to stay informed on the subjects being addressed each week by Florida’s appellate courts.

Appellate Practice Certified Attorney - Florida Bar

Joseph H Lang Jr
Carlton Fields PA
4221 W Boy Scout Blvd #1000
Tampa FL 33607
Tel: 813 229-4253; 888 223-9191
Fax: 813 229-4133

* Appellate Practice and Trial Support
* Antitrust and Trade Regulation
* Business Litigation and Trade Regulation
* Class Actions

* Environmental
* Insurance

Practice Experience
* Joseph Lang is a member of the firm’s Appellate Practice & Trial Support, Antitrust & Trade Regulation, and Class Action Litigation Practice Groups.
* Mr. Lang has a general practice consisting of work in appellate litigation and trial support. He is Board Certified in Appellate Practice by The Florida Bar.
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