Michael J Nolan II
Taxation Practice
The GrayRobinson tax group has extensive experience in virtually all aspects of the tax law, with a focus on the taxation of corporations, partnerships and international transactions. We advise clients on the most tax efficient means (while addressing necessary business considerations) of forming operating entities and structuring reorganizations, financing arrangements, acquisitions and dispositions, and incentive arrangements.
The conduct of overseas activities by our clients is structured with a focus on minimizing the worldwide taxation of their multi-national operations and obtaining the greatest possible tax deferrals. Care is taken that the appropriate type of entity and ownership structure are utilized with respect to the conduct of operations in a particular foreign country. Our tax department ensures that international licensing transactions and the establishment of operations in foreign jurisdictions do not run afoul of United States excise or similar taxes relating to the outbound transfer of intangible assets.
They are also closely involved in the design of any employee incentive and similar type plans. The tax group also has extensive experience in representing clients before federal and state tax agencies, whether in revenue examinations or with respect to requests for technical advisements.
Tax Law Certified Attorney - Florida Bar
Michael J Nolan II
Gray Robinson PA
201 N Franklin St #2200
Tampa FL 33602-5822
Tel: 813 273-5000
Fax: 813 273-5145
E-mail: mnolan@gray-robinson.com
Practice Areas
* Corporate
* Entertainment & Sports
* Estate Planning
* Exempt Organizations
* Health Care
* Taxation
* Trusts
* Wealth Transfer
Mike is a shareholder and director of GrayRobinson and a member of the firm's Corporate, Health Care and Wealth Transfer Law Groups. Mike's practice areas include mergers and acquisitions, health care, taxation, and business planning.
Mike is an experienced transaction and bond counsel. He has represented numerous public and private companies, including HCA Healthcare Corporation, Eckerd Corporation, Jim Walters Corporation, and Tenet Healthcare Corporation (formerly National Medical Enterprises, Inc.) in acquisition and joint ventures. From 1997-1999 Mike served as Assistant General Counsel for Tenet Healthcare Corporation. During that time period he provided general legal services to 17 acute-care hospitals in the State of Florida, which included both the acquisition and liquidation of physician practices, formation of joint ventures between Tenet and other health care providers, federal compliance issues and. medical staff matters. Nolan has served as bond counsel for Florida Housing Finance Corporation on a number of affordable housing projects, including tax credit transaction and tax-exempt transactions and tax-exempt entity transactions.
Prior to joining GrayRobinson, Mike was a shareholder with Carlton Fields in Tampa. He is a board certified tax attorney by The Florida Bar.
